our Friendly Frat Friend
August 8th 2001, 1:39 a.m.

earlier / later

I haven't had much to rant about lately ... who knows. The fact that I have other looming problems (mostly financial) don't seem to help my creative side. I get like this at least once a year. Oh well.

This guy came into work the other day to return an item of some kind ... but he wasn't wearing any shoes. He wasn't altogether scruffy looking or the sort. In fact, he actually looked like a Frat boy, but sans shoes.

Anyway, he came up to the LP Desk so I could tag his product with one of our lovely pink stickers and he asked where customer service was .... I showed him and said "but before that, sir, I need to have you put some shoes on". He came back with a quick, pre-determined answer .... "I don't seen a sign up". I replied just as quickly, "the law, nor ADA Signage guidelines, require that to be posted 'sir'". Then he asked to see the company "policy". I told him I'd show him the policy as soon as he came back in with some shoes on. Flustered and in a mild rage he huffed it out to his nearly brand-new SUV ... got his reef sandals and came back in.

Damn people are stupid.

First of all, I'm just following the company's well-established guidelines ... I didn't make them up ... I don't vote on the Standard Operating Procedures board of the company. I'm merely a wage-earning associate who's main goal is to do my job well enough not to get fired. He doesn't need to be giving me a hard time because the company I've chosen to work for has a certain policy.

Secondly; most places that are enclosed in an air-conditioned space DO REQUIRE that some type of shoe, sandal, shirts, and pants be worn. Those that don't are usually near a beach or in California! Me asking him to put some shoes on is not an unreasonable answer.

Third; this "dude" was obviously trying to start 'something' with 'someone' that day. He knew he was going to be asked to put shoes on ... he had his quick retort, and he was willing to 'fight' to make his point (not literally).

Finally, this mongoloid motard didn't anticipate me being up there.

Damn people are stupid.
