A Feat Only Fit For Superman
April 3rd, 2002, 4:03 p.m.

earlier / later

Where do some people get their logic from? Is there a two-cent logic store that sells the logic that didn't quite make it through quality control?

Where do people get the impression that it is possible to take a relationship back in time? Isn't this assuming a lot of impossibilities as far as the human psyche is concerned? This is assuming a few wild 'n' crazy things.

First of all it's assuming that you can ignore the countless, sometimes thousands, of hours that you spent courting this person or getting to know them on a level past friendship. It's assuming that you can ignore the intimacy you once had with said person, and revert that comfort level back to a more innocent one complete with boundaries which cannot be crossed. It's assuming that you can forget that you've seen this person naked and/or had sex with them. It's assuming that you can ignore the fact that they're going to want to see OTHER people. It's assuming that you can ignore or dismiss any feelings that you still have for this person. It's assuming that you will be asked to provide relationship or dating advice to this person.

All of these assumptions in mind, it finally assumes that you're so stupid you'd go through with it.

Now, maybe it's just me, and maybe it's my strange brand of thinking, which is called "Logical" thinking, but these assumptions seem pretty outrageous.

The only way that the friendship from relationship move can be made is if both parties truly do not give two halves of a shit about each other. But that being the case, how are they expected to be friends. Therein lies another paradox riddled with improbable assumptions.

So, why is it so difficult for these people to comprehend the reluctance to become "friends". To me, it seems a simple ... and logical ... concept of survival. Mental survival, but survival nonetheless. To break down even further if you're having trouble understanding my point it might be more simply described as "Out of Sight, out of mind". If you're trying NOT to think about someone, NOT seeing them or being their friend, is the easiest way to do that.

Maybe you too can better someone's life by not pulling the "why can't we be friends" attitude with your former lover, ex, fuckbuddy, etc. Have a mentally healthful day.
