Caution: Wild Human Beings
November 18th, 2001, 3:32 p.m.

earlier / later

Personally, I love the little sub-cultures and sub-cultures of those sub-cultures that society has. Not because I have some intrinsic love for them, but because they're a great source of amusement.

Take for instance, the sub-culture of lonely, dorky game freaks who are willing to spend the night out in front of a large electronics retailer for a severely expensive GAME console system with severely overpriced GAMES and severely overpriced accessories. The reason I know they're severely overpriced is because I work at that giant electronics retailer. But that's not surprising ... three other things are: these people are willing to camp out in the cold and near pitch-dark for something that holds no real-life value. Second, it is a GAME system! GAME, as in it is for amusement only. Third, it will be available in nearly unlimited quantities very shortly. A car, tickets for a band that's breaking up, a loving relationship .... those are things worth waiting out in the cold and dark for.

That's just my subjective opinion and it's not fair to criticize others on that note, but it is interesting to watch them nonetheless. It's similar to watching the Discovery Channel when they're profiling an exotic wild animal in the rain forest .... and it's exotic wild habits. I recommend it ... on that note I'm going to go take some photos. Later boys and gals.