Fucking White People
December 5th, 2002, 1:05 a.m.

earlier / later

So I catch people, not like before when I THOUGHT I caught people. Now, at my current job, I actually catch shoplifters defrauders scam artists etc on a regular basis. But I'm conflicted. Being someone who's been in trouble with the law before and who admonished the law for being so racially and socially biased, I am truly conflicted. I bust people. I run them down and catch them. I handcuff them from time to time. I interrogate. I use psychological tear-down tactics. Does this make me a bad person? Does this make me a good person? I'm conflicted.

I feel as though I have a job where the results are tangible and you feel as though you are doing good. But then, when you take a step back, and see that I (along with many Police departments) am apprehending mostly poor young black kids. Out of all the people I catch, I help to perpetuate the socially inept system which keeps certain minorities at a structural disadvantage. I'm so conflicted.

Ya know what. Fuck the man. Fuck the system. Fuck this uncertainty! From now on I'm only going to watch rich white people and wait for one of them to steal. Fucking rich white people ... they invented the saying "guns don't kill people, people do". Of course, what they really meant was "guns don't kill people, dangerous minorities do ... we likes our guns". Fucking white people. Now they can feel how it is to spend a night in jail instead of their $250k suburban house and Acura. It seems only fair. Law enforcement watches minorities much too often. It's time for a change damnit. Hell yeah, lets go bust whitey. Now that makes me proud to be an American Mr Bush.
