Moderation Isn't Working
June 18th, 2003, 11:07 p.m.

earlier / later

Why does weed have to affect my vocabulary so much?

I've been thrown back to the 6th grade ... and not even 6th grade gifted, just 6th grade!

From lack of sleep and too much herbal indulgence my creativity and vocabulary have suffered drastically.

I find myself talking to people I'm interested in talking with, but without anything to say .... and that is unequivocally not me! If it were, I wouldn't have the nickname "Shut The Hell Up". That was the nickname I was given right after I relinquished the title: "Foot In Mouth". As you can tell I grew up on an indian reservation.

Anyway, I'm thinking about going temperance movement on maryjane for a little while. If you care to chime in, drop me a line at [email protected] ... but no one ever chimes in ... except for Megan. Only she's lost in Europe!

Damn you world travelers, and damn you Marijuana!