Sexual Predators
April 19, 2005, 10:36 p.m.

earlier / later

.... NEWSFLASH NEWSFLASH .... Florida's congressmen&women, senators, and executive officers have said that it's alright to abduct and rape little girls, but it's not alright to have drugs.

With the latest disappearance and murder of yet another girl, our state ... the state of fucked-up-ed-ness or the state of Florida ... is back in the limelight. And why not? It's only been two weeks since idiots wearing crosses, and/or politicians, have sunk the state back into an abyss of hypocrisy. Politicians, mind you, that we really should not worry about reelecting, but whom we should pull the feeding tubes on.

Down south of here in Hillsborough County (or as I call it: SlowDriverLand), the murder of 13-year-old Sarah Lunde resounds as the latest in a tragic series of murders of young girls and the arrest of felons with histories of violence or sexual offenses. Or as we LABEL them with our hypocritical reverse euphemism: Sexual predators.

Now, the Sunshine State's legislators are attempting to pass legislation that would further monitor these "sexual predators", as well as toughening mandatory sentences for sexual crimes on minors. If you're like me, and I can guarantee you're not, you're probably wondering why they didn't pass legislation like this last year, or the year before, or the year before that, or perhaps sometime BEFORE THREE GIRLS GOT MOLESTED, RAPED, and KILLED by some white-trash lowlifes in the past few months. Well, the answer by our mindless leaders would be that it was too expensive.

The debate over Corrections and probationary controls in the past few years has centered around finance. "We can't effectively monitor all these individuals because there just simply is not enough money." Hmmm, that seems odd ... considering that we arrest and lock up over 35 times as many people for NONVIOLENT DRUG OFFENSES every year as we do for forcible sexual offenses. What about that money? Is it necessary to make 136,000 arrests for DRUGS every year versus the 3,900 for RAPE and other such crimes? Or maybe 136,000 to the 877 for kidnapping sits a bit better with you. Let me phrase it this way for those of you who are of the Pro-Life/Hypocritical idiot crowd ... that's ONE arrest for kidnapping someone to every 155 people that are arrested for having or selling mind-altering substances.

So what the morons on the hill are telling us is that it's alright to abduct and rape little girls, but it's not alright to have drugs. These are the people that you elect, these are the people that you LET be elected, these are your leaders. I say you because I gave up a long time ago. As a political science student, the first thing you learn is to give up when getting involved in this field. So, it's you're fault ... at least the fault of those who live here. And for those of you who live elsewhere: you too have politicians that make the same dumbass decisions and you too are responsible. To you amoebas out there that actually voted for these "leaders" you probably deserve to live in a trailer park. For those of you who voted for the "conservative leaders" you deserve to live in a trailer park next to a sexual predator.