Javacism or Javaligion?
December 20th, 2001, 5:28 p.m.

earlier / later

Despite what my roommate thinks about my particular coffee habits ... to me, there are few things greater than a cool Florida evening with a hot cup of gourmet coffee. And REAL gourmet coffee too: not the $8 a lb gourmet coffee, but the $14 a lb roasted arabica coffee ... with some natural mountain-grown flavours.

I'm beginning to think as my coffee drinking less as a habit and more as a religion. Too bad Jesus doesn't exist, because if he did then he'd love my religion. Coffee is the bible, the Java Lounge is my church, and the sacrament is a specialty espresso drink every Friday. Not because Friday has any important supernatural significance, but just because it's a damn kick-ass day. End of the work week with the weekend ahead.

Javaligion I think I'll call this. Who will be my first followers? Coffeeadikt perhaps?