To Quote Emerson ........
March 27th, 2002, 3:14 p.m.

earlier / later

You ever have one of those people around who always wants to make a point of knowledge known?

They're everywhere. At the gym, in class, in the office, at the grocery store, etc ad naseum.... and they always feel as though they need to enlighten you with some little tidbit of information contained in their tiny chasm of a mind.

Are their lives so empty that they must burden us with this boring piece of esoteric knowledge just so they can feel better about themselves? Or are they so mentally narcissistic they feel they must "show" what they "know"?

Can't something be done about these unfortunate low-lifes who feel that there is nothing better than quoting Emerson in a discussion of something in no way related to him? Can we execute them? Banish them to a deserted isle somewhere? Put them in a giant room together so they can quote obscure references to one-another over and over and over and over?

Well, logic in mind, none of these suggestions are viable or rational. Next time one of these cretins of academia decides he/she is going to unload their crap into a conversation with me, I'm going to burden them with my own esoteric reference. I'll quote George Carlin with: "Please, GO THE FUCK OUTSIDE"! I suggest we all do the same.

Have a beautiful day ladies and gents.