the worst insult
March 26th, 2001, 03:29 a.m.

earlier / later

This last weekend I receieved the worst insult I have yet to hear. And I wonder to myself: because I've heard lots of shit thrown at me before. Can ya tell?!?

Well, someone who I thought I knew fairly well and who I felt knew me fairly well told me two things. First, they said that I wasn't myself. That I wasn't right. Like someone else wearing me as a suit ... an "Edgar Suit". No other explanation - just that I wasn't "right"; I was not the way I was supposed to be or something along those lines. The other insult was that I was uncomfortable to be around; supposedly because of the Edgar suit notion.

Normally I take statements as statements.... simply words. Words can't hurt you or affect you unless you let them. Not this time though. We can control so many aspects of our life .... how we behave ... what we wear .... what we say .... what we do. But we cannot control 'who' we are. To have someone tell me that I wasn't who I was supposed to be .... just fuck! FUCK. Fuck that. .... and not to mention that I take a bit of pride in who I am because I do.

We spend our entire lives absorbing knowledge and life experiences like a dry sponge that never fills up. We acquire experiences and they change us. We are defined by our experiences and our genetic make-up and the environment. Things that we cannot control and they determine our nature. We have no rule over them and yet I was told that my nature isn't "right". I'm not sure which angers me more: having been told I don't seem the way I "should" be .... or not getting an explanation other than "not right".

I'm not going to dwell on this very much. I came to the conclusion that this person really doesn't know what they were talking about. This would explain the lack of a real explanation. But I do have one last point to make: would anyone challenge a blind person on thier blindness ... something they have no control over? I'd hope not.

Good night ladies and gents.

-- Nick --