mood lighting
Jan 04, 2001, 4:10 am

earlier / later

Well, I'm bored and I was reading Sara's and Chrissy's journals and I thought I'd lend my wit to the internet once again. Plus, I need another outlet in which to let some things go. I'm chatting with Sara about something she doesn't have any recollection of .... and listening to a really bluesy Led Zeppelin song (I know, big surprise eh?). I feel like I'm in some weird, dark independent film that you see on Encore at 4 in the morning. And hey, it IS four in the morning. All I need is some mood lighting like a dim lamp in the corner casting it's smile on a Salvador Dali poster. Damnit, my only person to chat with has left again. Fuck, I hate when that happens. Anyway, I'm left with no other reason to stay online or awake for that matter. Hope you enjoyed this first entry