Dear Nick!
February 12th, 2003, 3:08 p.m.

earlier / later

Well, I haven't really been inspired to write about anything lately so I guess I'll start a new segment here on my antiquated web-column. The new segment will be just like any number of other cheesy advice columns you find in Men's Magazines and bathroom walls.

Today's question comes from Alex(fem) in Clearwater, FL. She asks:

"If a guy told you to call him later to do something and you said ... 'I'm at my friends house ... give me a call tomorrow or whenever you feel like it...I'm not going to dictate when you have to call', if you were the guy would you call at all and/or wait awhile? Problem is .. this guy is used to being hunted down by women!"

Well Alex, you have to remember that most guys, even the complex ones, are fairly simple-minded. And if they're not simple-minded, they prefer simplicity, especially when it comes to relationships.

If he SAYS he wants you to call him later, then he wants you to, and chances are he'll want to talk to you even if it means he has to call you back.

Now, if he's the type of guy who's chased after by women (namely the hot-sexy guy type) then he might not call you back, merely wait for you. Most girls are attracted to those guys just like men can't help oogling at the hot blonde who works in the mall, but the ones who usually end up bagging the hot-sexy ones are the high-maintainence superficial clods that inspire me to firebomb upscale gyms.

Chances are, he'll call you back, and if he doesn't then you should move along unless you're in the mood for a game of predator and prey.