Death Threats to Myself
March 22nd, 2002, 3:17 p.m.

earlier / later

Is it possible to subconsciously have a desire to kill yourself. Or maybe a dream-induced personality bent on killing the physical me?

I woke up this morning with my sheet wrapped around my neck. Not noose-tight, but tight enough and odd enough to warrant a little bit of concern.

First of all, I don't move around that much when I sleep. Second, how does a sheet become twisted up and wrapped around the neck innocently through the natural course of sleep?

Well, regardless of "how", I guess I need to keep an eye out for odd things in the path of my day which warrant further concern. Like death threats that I make to myself. Ya know, I walk into the bathroom and find a note with magazine letter cut-outs that reads:

"DrInK mORe cOFfeE oR tHE ColLEGe Kid GEts IT"!


"Don'T UNderEsTimaTE mY PoWER, I seE EvERYthIng, & i WIlL GeT yOU"!

Once that starts happening I guess I need to check myself into a clinic. Well, first I'd have to convince Crazy Murderous Nick, then check into the clinic. Hey, at least I could say I live a dangerous life.

Sanity is overrated.